Sunday, September 11, 2011

Labor Day at Angel's Landing

David and I spent the day of da brothers at Angel's Landing and here are some pics:
Whew! Close one

Brotherly Love

The view was totally awesome!

This picture is just a joke, we're not actually falling off the cliff fyi

The top was pretty dangerous, but we made it!

We dropped our supply bag down the cliff, luckily it caught on a branch. I got it while David took my picture

A good day of da brothers.
We only had each other to take the other's picture, so I'm solo in most of these.
Awesome day, thanks again dave for taking me


Mark said...

Great photos, boys! I remember going there myself with some of my friends, including my Penn State roommate and main missionary man, Russ Cline. It was during the summer of 1978 that I was there. Great memories of hiking all around Southern Utah. Thanks for bringing them back to mind! Love, Dad

Chris said...

yeah, we should all go back there some time, bring back those memories in full!

Julia said...

Awesome pictures! I feel like I never have anything to post about, so thanks for keeping this blog alive, haha. It's so great to see you guys together, I'm glad you had the opportunity. Love you!

barbmartin said...

Such handsome sons I have!! (Read it in a Yoda voice.)