Sunday, March 29, 2009

Matt sings with Tabernacle Choir

So, another concert ... another post :) This morning I went up to SLC to perform with the Tabernacle Choir. It was a blast! It was so fun to see how they practice and perform a different broadcast each Sunday. Mica came to support me, as always. Tara and Jade also came to show their love. They really enjoyed the music. Mica told me that each time we sang after the big Tab Choir, we sounded like ants ... but beautiful, harmonious ants! They outnumber us by about 360 to 40.

See if you can find me! Where's Matt?

After the concert, we left the Tabernacle. Now, during the performance I could hear wind raging outside but I had no idea what was happening. As soon as we stepped outside, we were wrapped up in a cold, blizzard blanket. And not the kind from Dairy Queen! Man, it was cold. We rushed to our car under the Conference Center but took a few shots to remember Winter's last dying breath.


Staci said...

awesome! One step closer to being in the MOTAB! Was that seriously today? I was up in SLC yesterday and it was warm and beautiful.

Lindsay said...

yay matt!!! thats so cool :) good job brotha

Tara said...

It was a great day! Really, even with the snow, don't you think it was beautiful? *Mica, email me my pics from today!

Staci said...

actually yah tara...i would prefer snow and gloom over sunny any day but when flying ... standby...sunny!